Money Matters

Issue 06 | The Serving Leader

Guardian Protector ISFJ - J.W. Marriott Jr.


How Artisans, Guardians, Idealists, and Rationals think about money.
Do you wish you had more money? We did a study on temperament and finance, and found that 98% answered, “Yes,” to this question. (What a surprise!) The reasons for wanting more, and the importance of money to an individual varied. But, almost everyone said they wished they had more. Financial advisors agree that, “It’s not how much you make, it’s how much you save.” The trouble is that saving money is often not as easy as it seems. Why is that? Well, depending on your temperament, we have a natural bent toward understanding and approaching money. You are you, for better or for worse, and your natural approach can help you or handicap you. In this article, we’re going to provide you with insight on why you do what you do when it comes to money.

The Artisan

“Don’t Let It Get Too Out of Control”

Artisans are impulsive. They love pleasure, enjoy extravagance, and like to play it big—and very few live by a budget. They are the best at making and spending money quickly and easily. Among the four temperaments, they are very loose with their wallets, and the worst at saving. Why is this the case? Artisans are highly adaptable and can make anything work. If they have a lot, they are bold in generosity, if they have a little, they figure out a way to get more. Artisans thrive in chaos, and are optimistic about the future. An unpredictable future keeps things exciting. So, this allows them to live carefree, without a fear in the world. Though they may want to save, they don’t because there is no immediate payoff in putting it away. Their only fear is living a boring life, and falling into a routine of monotony. Artisans would rather make it and spend it than count it. They can negotiate themselves in and out of financial prosperity and debt. So, what you have is an individual who pays very little attention to what they have or don’t have, and someone who is audacious in their lifestyle. As long as an Artisan doesn’t let the uncontrollable get too out of control, they will do just fine.

The Guardian

“A Little Bit Here, A Little Bit There”

Guardians are bean counters. They are cost cutters, bargain shoppers, discount seekers, and much more budget conscious than others. They are the natural savers in life. Among the four temperaments, they have the tightest hold on their purses, making them the best at saving money. Why is this the case? Guardians value safety and security. Therefore, not having enough makes them feel unsafe and insecure. Guardians fear the unknown, and can be pessimistic about the future. So, this drives them to save wherever they can, whenever they can, in order to create some predictability for the unknown. Saving money gives them something to hold on to that makes them feel safer and more secure, while combating their fears about an uncertain, gloomy future. Guardians are excellent at keeping track, and are excellent at measuring the value of something, so they hate to overpay for anything. So, what you have is an individual who likes to pay close attention to their money, and someone who is frugal in their spending. Guardians like to save “a little bit here, and a little bit there.” Over time, a little becomes a lot, and it compounds to be even more.

The Idealist

“Money Is Good, Not Evil”

Idealists are romantic. They yearn for connection, to live meaningfully, and to make a difference. Budgets may or may not be a part of their life. It really depends on whether someone they trust has ever taught them how to live by one. Among the four temperaments, they are, however, the least likely to be aware of what they have (or don’t have). Why is this the case? Idealists want their lives to be marked by compassion for others, to be rich in spirit, and to live authentically from the soul. Therefore, there’s a feeling that bringing money into the equation in their interactions with others somehow taints their life or the relationship. When they work, “what they do” is an outflow of “who they are,” so negotiating and receiving payment for “who they are” often feels like it somehow takes away from their authenticity. Saving money for themselves conflicts with their desire to be centered on others; it feels selfish. When Idealists can understand that making money and saving money are good and not evil, and that money can be used to make a meaningful difference in the world, they can then be free to make it, save it, and use it for good.

The Rational

“Mulitiple Channels of wealth”

Rationals are builders. They are big picture oriented, analytical, and objective. They manage their money well, but not so much in a line-by-line, budgetary way. Whenever they invest their brain, energy, and time they expect a return. Among the four temperaments, they are the best at creating multiple channels of wealth. Why is this the case? Rationals build systems, and when one system is built and running smoothly, they build another one. When one dies, they build another one. They are not natural savers, but rather, natural creators. Instead of saving and counting their money, they figure out ways to generate various money making channels. So, instead of putting money away, they will use it to build something that will pay off for an objective they have in mind. Rationals predict the future by deliberately creating the future they desire. So, they worry very little, because they don’t see themselves as victims in an uncontrollable world. Their view of the future is not pessimistic or optimistic, instead, they see the future as something yet to be created by them. So what you have is an individual who saves by building channels of wealth, and then allocating those channels for certain purposes as they see fit.

How to Have Fun With Your Money

Enjoy money and direct it instead of letting money direct you. Learn how each of the temperaments have fun with their money.

The Pursuit of Money

When it comes to making money, we all have different perspectives, priorities, paths, and pursuits. In other words, we view money differently; money is more or less important to some of us than others of us; we take different ways toward making it; and we make it for different reasons. In this article we exam the financial pursuits of the four temperaments.