Faith / Spirituality / Religion

Issue 10 | The Competitive Leader

Artisan Crafter ISTP - Bruce Lee

Temperament and
the Inner Life

All of us have inner voices. We listen, ignore, resist, or yield to them all the time. Some see inner voices as being angelic or demonic. Some believe in hearing from God directly, while others believe that it’s just self-talk, or it’s the residual of past influences imprinted on our psyche. Irrespective of what you believe, what is certain is that we all have thoughts. And some thoughts are bigger drivers and motivators than other thoughts. In this article, we look at what the dominating inner life messages are for each of the temperaments.

The Artisan’s Inner Life

Always trust your gut. It knows what your head hasn't figured out.

Sixth-sense, spidey-sense, street-smarts, primal-instincts, pure agility. When the Artisan goes with their gut, they’re almost always right on the money. It’s not a feeling, it’s unemotional, it’s not about reflecting, being sensitive to one’s thoughts, being still, or listening to quiet whispers, or hearing the inner child. The inner voice of the Artisan is quick, it’s animalistic, it’s sharp—cutting through everything to get to the result right away. It’s much like taking shots of the most potent elixirs. It’s direct, full-on engagement in the moment that stabs the heart of the matter without needing to think or ponder. It’s raw, barbaric, and fierce. Artisans can cultivate this further by going with their gut as often as possible, and putting total trust in their instincts, without fear of making the wrong move. Even in every misstep, there’s an opportunity to adapt, and pivot back to what still hits the target.

The Guardian’s Inner Life

Obey the rules

Rely only on what’s been proven; what is right for all. Listen to what you have learned from credible sources—from the experts. Those with experience can be trusted. Going with the gut, with emotion, or one’s own analysis are all unreliable. Rules exist for a good reason. Keeping them provides a safeguard, protecting the innocent, and punishing the perpetrator. Not following them can result in damage or hurt for everyone. This is what governs the Guardian’s inner life. They live by creeds, and listen to authority. Obedience keeps everything in order, and allows for everyone to sleep at night. The Guardian, is therefore, diligent to listen to the sermon, read their “bibles,” and follow the commands contained in it. They listen because they fear the consequences of non-compliance. They want to be praised for their efforts to live righteously, so they learn what is right and recite those directives in their thoughts and obey them.

The Idealist’s Inner Life

You can't fake it in life. You must follow your heart.

Authenticity, being one with yourself, integration of heart, soul, mind, and body, being your best and most true version of you. This is what governs the inner life of the Idealist. They want their inner world and outer world to be harmonious. They listen for the inner child, the voice of innocence, they listen to their tears of pain, and their deepest joys. They listen for the loving words which have been said of them, and to them throughout their life journey. Idealists want the reflection in the mirror to fully convey who they are on the inside. These sensitive souls believe that life is beautiful, and that if you quiet all the surrounding noise, and look for peace, that your life will begin to speak. They listen to their hearts. They pay attention to their soul by listening to their deepest yearnings. Actions taken solely because its been prescibed, over what they feel can trample their spirits, and be destructive to the cultivation of their identity.

The Rational’s Inner Life

Reasonable minds always prevail.

Soundness of mind, clarity of thought, superiority in perspective, the ability to understand, articulate, and use reason, is where Rationals find their strength. The brain is their most important asset. Is it God-given, or has the brain evolved into its capabilities? This is up for debate, but what is certain is that the mind is the source of the inner life for the Rational. Other’s opinions matter not, no matter who holds the view. If it disagrees with the voice of reason in the mind of a Rational, the proposition is worthless. Rationals don’t work with their hands, they don’t trust their feelings or emotions, and they are skeptical of authority; they work with their heads. Even within their own minds, they are always stepping back to analyze, scrutinize, and objectify the issues at hand to determine what is relevant and what the direction must be. Rationals keep evolving as long as they are thinking, and feeding their brains with knowledge.

Faith, Spirituality, Religion

Some refer to themselves as “religious,” some as “not religious,” then there’s “spiritual, but not religious,” a “person of faith,” and let’s not forget about the “atheist,” or “agnostic.” At Keirsey, our research indicates that depending on your temperament, you are likely to approach faith, spirituality, or religion differently.

Spiritual Disciplines

They say that most human beings (irrespective of their temperament type) become spiritually engaged during times of difficulty, challenge, loss, or because of some kind of awakening. Different temperaments practice their spirituality in different ways. They are often referred to as spiritual disciplines.